The USR Transport is an autonomous vehicle seen in I, Robot.
The USR Robot Transport is a sleek stainless steel automated cargo truck used to transport NS robots around the city. Like all other vehicles, these trucks ride on a set of 10 Sphererical tires, (2 on each front and 3 on each rear). This allows to trucks to parrallel park with ease and can even allow it to drive sideways at high speed. On the side of the truck housing the storage unit for new and old NS robots. Having a max capacity of 150 (75 per side).
The first appearance of one of these trucks is seen parking by a fair event showcasing the new NS-5. Old NS-4s are being swapped out for the new NS-5s.
The next appearance of this truck is when Del Spooner is driving to USR headquarters on the underground highway. 2 fully loaded trucks appear from both ramps of an intersection. They speed up to get ahead of Del, driving sideways to box him in between them before releasing the corrupted NS-5s on Dels car. Del trys to get around the front truck using the side curbs, but the truck deters him by blocking the wall destroying its taillight. When Del manages to push an NS-5 into the wheel of the front truck causing it to jam, Del takes tge opportunity to quickly pass it. Both trucks are then torn in half and destroyed when they crash into the side of a inconplete off ramp.